Brownell and Thompson Awards

The Cape Elizabeth Education Foundation is thrilled to announce the recipients of both the Brownell Award and Thompson Awards for Cape educators. The Thompson Award, named in honor of Timmy Thompson, celebrates a member of the Cape Elizabeth school community who has gone above and beyond for students. Our annual Brownell Award, in honor of retired CEHS teacher Elaine Brownell, celebrates an outstanding grant from a previous year.

The Brownell Award, named for and presented by retired CEHS teachers Elaine Brownell, recognizes the successful implementation and significant impact of a CEEF grant. Two Cape High School educators were awarded this year for their “Prometheus Board” grant – Tom Farmer and Beth Mylroie.  Looking for a way to enhance learning in CEHS Life Skills class, Farmer and Mylroie researched the use of these boards across the state. They saw the ability of these interactive boards to engage their students in new ways, encouraging participation and learning.

The second award presented that morning was the Thompson Award. Given each year in honor of Cape graduate Timmy Thompson, the award celebrates a member of the Cape district who shows particular dedication and impact on Cape schools. This year Russel Thompson was on hand to honor Dave Croft of CEMS who truly has gone above and beyond for Cape.  Nominated by several colleagues, all who noted Croft’s “caring commitment to all students in the school.” A three-season coach at the high school as well, Croft helps students throughout their education in Cape Elizabeth.

Brownell Award

The Brownell Award, named in honor of retired high school mathematics teacher Elaine Brownell. This award recognizes a faculty member who did an outstanding job implementing a CEEF grant during the prior year.

  • 2022 “Persona Dolls” Bri Gallagher and Amanda Marsden
  • 2021 “Summer Literacy Program (Becky Swift, Mary Dulac, and Rosemary Ginn)
  • 2020 “Finding Perfect” CEMS Read-Along (Jill Young) and Inspired Spaces (Hope Taylor)
  • 2019 Summer Exploration (Joyce Nadeau, Courtney Ferrell)
  • 2018 CEHS TV
  • 2017 Sexual Assault Awareness for Everyone
  • 2016  Freshman Academy
  • 2015  Middle School Library and Learning Commons

  • 2014  Betsy Nilsen
  • 2013 Cameron Rosenblum
  • 2012  Susan Dana
  • 2011  Ginger Raspiller
  • 2010  Gretchen McNulty
  • 2009  Rebecca Bean
  • 2008  Debbie Butterworth/Tom Eismeier
  • 2007  Tom Lizotte
  • 2006  Evan Thayer

Thompson Award

This annual award was established in memory of Timmy Thompson, a Cape graduate whose kindness and generous spirit was well known throughout Cape Elizabeth. This award honors a faculty or staff member who goes above and beyond what is expected, providing a lasting and meaningful impact on Cape Elizabeth students. The Cape Elizabeth Education Foundation is pleased to give this award at the end of August each year. 

  • 2022 Mark Doughty
  • 2021 Jeff Shedd
  • 2020  Jill Young
  • 2019  Amanda Marsden
  • 2018  Tom Lizotte
  • 2017  Ted Jordan
  • 2016  David Brown
  • 2015  Bri Gallagher
  • 2014  Scott Shea
  • 2013  Pam Vose
  • 2012  Andrea Cayer
  • 2011  Elaine Brownell
  • 2010  John Casey
  • 2009  Joe Doane
  • 2008  Julie Tselikis
  • 2007  Rick Madd
  • 2006 Ben Raymond

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